Friday, April 1, 2016

Insult Poem

You are as old as dirt
When I see you my eyes hurt
You reek like rotten fruit
You’re as useful as a torn parachute

Your hair is a rat’s nest
You fail nearly every test
You cry like a baby

And you can’t handle “maybe”

Sonnet- Spring Break at Arches National Park

It was super cold in the morning time
Sun on my face hot as a fire
Sage everywhere I look upon the climb
We had so much fun, I’m not a liar
We traveled to tons of National Parks
I saw so many people in their Jeeps
We swam in a pool without any sharks
I woke up Easter morning to find Peeps
We drove for hours and hours on end
I passed out when we go into the car
On our way home, we started to ascend
It seemed Moab, Utah was not that far
This year, Spring Break was the absolute best
I have a great family, I’m so blessed 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Good Life by: Elizabeth Wiswell

“I think you’re dead.”
                Jim Wells glanced over his smooth, leather steering wheel to the small, blue letters of his digital clock. It read 6:27. He slowed his red 1967 Pontiac Firebird to 15 miles per hour and with a swift jerk of the steering wheel, the car pulled smoothly off Lariat Loop and into his clean, paved driveway. Jim stopped abruptly and turned the Firebird off. He grabbed his briefcase off the passenger’s seat and climbed out of the car.

 Jim skipped happily into his nice, modular home that he shared with his beautiful wife, Rosie. He smiled as he swung the door open and stepped onto the worn and scratched hardwood floor. He was so overwhelmed with joy, it being 6:30 on a Friday night. On top of that, his birthday was coming up on Sunday and he had an uneventful weekend planned ahead of him. Jim smiled ear to ear knowing that he had 2 full days of relaxation before returning to his stressful job on Monday.
 He was a lawyer for a small law firm in Brownsville, Oregon. He just graduated from law school the previous spring. Jim loved his job. But being a new attorney, and only 27, he was under a lot of pressure.
 Jim slipped his tight, shiny shoes off and snuck into the kitchen. He swung around the corner and spotted his gorgeous wife. His black socks were begging for him to run and slide on the polished, wood floor. He gave into the temptation and skated right into Rosie’s arms. Her warm embrace and the haunting aroma coming from whatever she had cooking caused Jim’s smile to grow even more. Jim thought to himself, “Wow, how could I possibly have a better life? I love her, and everything.”
As if Rosie could read his mind, she opened her mouth and said, “Oh, boy do I love you. And this house. And my amazing life.” Jim pulled out of the wonderful embrace that his wife had him trapped in. He looked down at her. She was beautiful. With her short, flowery cooking apron wrapped around her dark, blue jeans, and her favorite, well-loved college shirt tucked under her apron. Her wavy, dirty blonde hair danced around her face. And her eyes, they were like looking at the sun, they burned out of control, glowing a deep gold.
“I love you too. I wouldn’t change my life if I had the chance. Not for anything.” There in that moment, eyes locked on each other, Jim could see in Rosie’s eyes, she was keeping something from him.
 Rosie stared back at Jim smiling, “Not even a baby?”
Jim leaped back and looked like he could have done a backflip. He was smiling like a maniac, bouncing off the walls. He collected himself the most he could and said back to Rosie, “Babe, you’re pregnant?”
 Rosie beamed with excitement. She answered Jim, “Yes!”
 Jim joined hands with his wife once again and asked, “When did you find out? Did you go to the doctor?”
“Today. This morning, after you left, I went to the doctor. He said that I am pregnant.”
Jim looked at her again and said, “Now, my life couldn’t get any better.”
                Jim quickly kissed Rosie. Then, he frolicked out of the kitchen yelling, “I’m going to go change. I love you!” Jim sprinted up the stairs, skipping every other step like he did every time he went up to their room. There were exactly 17 steps up to his favorite place in the house. He reached the top step and ran his hand against the left wall, feeling for a light switch. His fingers flipped the switch up and the only 11 lights on. He slipped his socks off using his feet as he walked over to his bed. The sheets flowed like waves in the ocean, they were a soft blue. Not a baby blue, but not a deep blue either. He plopped down on the bed and laid on his back for a moment. He stared up at the ceiling.
His life was turning out better than he had ever hoped. His job was going well, he just bought a new house with his wife, and she was pregnant. Jim sat up really fast, laughing at himself when he stood up and lost balance. He walked over to the other side of the room to his dresser. He set it up next to the East facing window. That way every morning, he could get dressed and watch the sun rise. He pulled his second drawer out and stole a solid green T-shirt. Jim took his suit off and slipped the T-shirt over his head. As soon as his shirt was completely on he yanked on his top drawer and snatched a pair of blue, plaid boxers. He picked his laundry off the floor and stuffed it in the hamper as he walked to the stairs. 
Brrrrriing, brrrriing. Jim raced down the steps, carefully touching every one of them. He hollered, “I got it honey!”
But Rosie didn’t want him to answer the phone. She had other plans. “No!!! I got it Hon, don’t answer it!”
Jim didn’t want to accept the fact that nothing suspicious was happening, so he walked into the living room and plopped onto the couch. Then, all of a sudden, he felt the urge to just get up and see who it was on the phone. “Rosie, who is it?”
Rosie was hesitant to reply, but she did, “Evan.” Evan was probably the closest friend that Jim had ever known. They grew up together, they did everything side by side, and went to school from preschool up until graduation. Then, Evan went to school elsewhere and Jim wanted to be a lawyer so they parted ways. Evan lived a few towns over. Jim only saw him on occasion now though.
Jim didn’t know why Rosie told him to let her get the phone if it was his best friend, but he trusted her. He was just a little curious though. So he crept over to the other phone and held it up to his ear, like he had done a million times when he lived with his parents and sister. Jim was always very protective of his sister, even though she was 2 years older than him. He would listen in on her conversations when he was little. Jim smiled at the memory of himself sitting in the family’s soft, red chair with the phone up to his ear.
                “Promise you won’t tell him,” Evan questioned into the phone. Jim felt the hair on the back of his neck crawl. He knew they were talking about him.
“He won’t find out from me,” said Rosie back to Evan. In hearing those six words, Jim’s world fell apart. His smile ever so slowly altered into a frown. He thought he could trust Rosie to tell him anything and everything. There was a time when he would have expected the same from Evan too.
Jim placed the phone to his ear even harder than he held it before. He had to hear this conversation. “I will tell Jim I am going shopping tomorrow in the morning. He won’t mind. He loves his time alone. When I leave I will call you so we can meet to talk. Sound like a plan?”
                Jim sensed his jaw dropping. It slowly fell and his eyes filled with water. A single tear sprang out of his eye and slithered down his cheek like a snake. He couldn’t believe what he just heard. Jim thought, “Was Rosie cheating on me with my best friend? I know that I’ve been very busy with work and all lately, but everything seemed perfectly well.”
                “Yeah. That sounds good. See you tomorrow.” Even’s voice came to a stop and then the familiar sound of the phone call ending rang in Jim’s ear. Dnnnnn.
                Jim dashed to the kitchen as soon as he hung the phone up. He stood in the doorway. “Rosie what are you keeping from me?!! What did you promise you wouldn’t tell me?” Jim screamed at her.
                Rosie’s eyes scanned the entire room and then they hopped back to Jim’s eyes. She looked panicked. She opened her mouth and blurted, “I can’t tell you. I’m sorry.”
                “Wow. You would honestly keep something from me, but allow my best friend to know? I thought that you could trust me enough to tell me everything.” The tears were now pouring out of Jim’s eyes.
                Rosie looked disappointed now, “Look Jim, I can explain. You are misunderstanding something here.” Jim just glared at her from across the room. If looks could kill right now, Rosie would have been dead.
                “You know what? Never mind! I don’t want to hear it!” Jim turned and ran upstairs. He slipped on a pair of grey sweats that he’d had since forever. He ran back down the stairs and stopped when he reached the bottom.
There Rosie stood, eye to eye with him. She grabbed his arm. “Jim don’t go. Please just let me explain.”
“No. I don’t want an explanation anymore. I don’t want to hear it.” Jim pried her hands off his arm and walked right passed her and to the door.  He slid on his moccasins and grabbed his bright yellow Nike sweatshirt and keys. Jim looked at Rosie. Her beautiful eyes screamed at him. They screamed at him asking him to stay, to listen and not walk out. Jim’s sadness had turned into anger now though. He didn’t acknowledge the helplessness in his wife’s eyes. He turned and walked out the door.
Sitting in his car, driving anywhere, Jim felt horrible. He had finally gained control of his emotions. He had been driving for nearly an hour. His mind wasn’t set on a place, it just gave him orders, drive, don’t stop.   
                Jim’s eyes shot over to the blue light of his clock. It read 11:06. He had been away too long. He knew he was mistaken. He was disappointed in himself. Jim allowed his emotions to control him and he yelled at his wife. He screamed at his pregnant wife. And over what? He had no idea. Jim slowly stopped and made a U-turn. He was going home to the love of his life. He would have called to let her know he was alright, but he was in the middle of nowhere and he left his phone at the house.
Jim’s foot was as heavy as lead. He just wanted to be home and hug his wife and tell her how sorry he was. He felt the car accelerate. Jim felt guilty that he believe Rosie cheated on him. He closed his eyes for a second regretting what he had done and that was it. Jim passed out and drove right off the road.
 Jim’s eyelids rolled up his eyes like curtains on a window. The light was blinding. It took him a moment to remember where he was and everything that happened. Jim looked out the window at his surroundings. The 1980 Pontiac Firebird was parked in the ditch. “I must’ve fallen asleep,” he said out loud to himself. He started the car and pulled back onto the road without a problem. Jim started to head home.
He got home and the digital clock in his car said 12:49. He had been gone way too long. Jim Wells parked his Firebird in his driveway and hopped out and ran to the front door. He whipped it open and ran to Rosie. She was sitting on the couch in the living room talking on the phone. She looked up as I ran in the door. “Rosie! Baby, I am so sorry! Are you okay?”
But, Rosie didn’t answer him, she walked right by him and closed the door. “I don’t know where he is and I’m really worried. No. He left late last night and was very angry. We had a fight. Yes. I’m not sure.” Rosie wasn’t talking to him though, she was still on the phone. “Yes, he got mad because I was on the phone with Evan planning his surprise party for his birthday.”
“Rosie? Can you hear me? You were planning me a party? I am so sorry! Are you ignoring me? I’m sorry.” Jim began to panic. Was she really ignoring him? He needed to get some air. Jim ran outside. He went out to the car and drove away again. This time he knew where he was going, Redding. To visit an old friend, Evan Forbes.
                Will Harvey, Brian Gilbert, and Jessica Prescott sat in the best coffee shop in Redding, Oregon. They sat at their booth in the corner. Jess, Will and Brian went to Coffee on the Corner every Saturday the whole summer, for something to do. They have been out of school for nearly 2 months now and the three musketeers have been bored enough to get coffee to fill the time. The three, now sophomores, haven’t had anything to do all summer.
 They were just praying to god for something to happen when a gorgeous, red 1967 Pontiac Firebird came flying into town. Will Harvey, a tall, lean and muscular boy with brown curly hair, thought that the Firebird was the sweetest ride ever. Brian Gilbert, a skinny brainiac with blonde flowing hair, could have cared less about the car. What he noticed was also running through Jessica Prescott’s mind. 
Nobody was driving the hot rod! “Who was driving that?” asked Jessie.
“I have no idea, but I really want to meet him!” exclaimed Will.
Jessie and Brian both looked at one and other and recognized the annoyance that Will caused them. “No Will I don’t think that’s what she meant. There wasn’t a person driving the car at all!” said Brian.
“There had to have been. A car like that can’t go without a person driving. It would completely lose control,” stated Will. Will had always been interested in cars. From the time he was little, he and his dad used to build model cars together, before his dad went away.
“Let’s go check it out!” Jessie had always looked for adventure. She could make anything an adventure too.
They rushed outside with their coffees in their hands. Will hopped on his neon green Diamondback mountain bike that he brings with him everywhere. They followed the red car back to a house that they all knew well, Mr. Forbes’ house. Mr. Forbes was their absolute favorite teacher in the world! He taught Physical Science at their High School.
The Firebird’s driver’s door opened. Will sees an average height man, pretty handsome fella, get out. But, Jessie and Brian just see a car door open and slam shut again. Brian and Jess exchange looks again. “Hello sir, my name’s Will and this is Jessica and this here is Brian.”
“Hi son, I’m Jim Wells. I was just looking for my old friend Evan Forbes,” said the stranger.
Will looked back at him and stated, “Well you’re in the right place. This is Mr. Forbes’ place. Do you mind me asking something?” Jessica and Brian now changed the direction of their stares. They now glared at Will, their mouths gaped open.
The stranger, Jim, answered instantly, “Okay, what’s up kid?”
“Where did you get that nice car?” Will grinned bigger than anyone had ever seen him grin before. Then, he looked back at his best friends as if to give them a look to get them to talk to the man too, so it wouldn’t be so awkward.
“Believe it or not kiddo, Will, I got it in a garage sale.” The man was smiling now and Will noticed that he had beautifully straight teeth.
“No way! Total score! Well, it was nice to meet you sir.” Said Will. He looked at Brian and his eyes communicated to him that he should say “it’s a pleasure” but Brian just stood there. Jessica was the same way. Will didn’t know what had gotten into them, but he thought they were being awfully rude.
“Yes, young man. Very nice to meet you. See you around sometime.” And just like that the man walked up to the house and knocked on the door. Mr. Forbes opened the door in nearly no time at all and looked around. It seemed like he looked right through Jim.
 Mr. Forbes saw them and said, “He kids! Long time, no see! How are you?” Jess and Brian were still in shock about something, but Will replied that he was doing great.
Mr. Forbes went back inside with Jim and Will turned and asked, “What’s gotten into you two? Did you forget your manners?”
“Will, nobody was there. I didn’t see anyone!” Said Jessie.
Then, she looked at Brian and he said, “Man are you okay? Because I didn’t see anyone either. I just saw the car door open and close. And then, I saw my best friend have a conversation with the air.”
“You guys didn’t see Jim?” Will was beginning to worry now.
“No.” Brian and Jessica said at the same time.
INSIDE THE HOUSE                                                                 
“Hey Evan. How are you?” Jim asked his good friend. Nothing. “Please Evan talk to me. I know you can see and hear me because that boy outside clearly just saw me.” Nothing again. “Okay, I quit you and Rosie win.” Jim went outside and got back in the car. Guess who he found inside his car, Will.
“Um, kid what are you doing?” Jim inspected Will.
Will looked back at Jim and said, “I’m sorry. I had to make sure you were actually here. Excuse me, I think my friends were playing a joke on me. My apologies.” Will sat up and opened the passenger’s door.
Will put his right foot outside the Firebird when, “Wait what do you mean your friends were playing a joke on you? Are they acting like they can’t see you?”
“No, they can’t see you.” Will climbed back into the car. He clearly understood that something was happening.
“Want to go for a ride Will?” Asked Jim.
They were in the car for a long time. Plenty of time for Jim to thoroughly explain to Will what his past day was like. They were heading to Brownsville. “So I am the only one who can see and hear you? But you can drive a car?”
“Yeah, I guess so.” Said Jim.
Will looked out the window for a moment, “I think you’re dead.”
“Then, how am I driving and how can you see and talk to me?” Asked Jim skeptically.
Will questioned saying anything, but then he understood that it may be of help, “My dad could see ghosts. They sent him away from me when I was little. He is in a mental hospital somewhere in Montana.”
“Oh wow. Do you think that it’s possible you could be like him?” Jim probed.
“I have no idea, but if my mom finds out about it, I’m as good as gone.”
They went to Jim and Rosie’s house. Jim asked Will to tell Rosie about his accident and that he died. Will agreed that he would. They both scrambled out of the car and up to the door. Will knocked on the hard wooden door. Within seconds Rosie greeted him with a welcoming smile.
“Hello ma’am. My name is Will Harvey and I spoke with your husband Jim Wells. I was wondering if I could have a word with you.” Will was calm and collected, but Jim, who was standing beside him was the exact opposite.
“Yes! Of course. You have heard from Jim? Nobody else I have contacted has seen or heard from him since Thursday.” Rosie welcomed Will into their house.
They walked into the living room and Will sat where Jim sat, on the couch, less than 24 hours ago. “Miss, I’m afraid I have bad news. I believe that your husband Jim was in an accident.”
Will went on to explain how he was the only one who could hear and see Jim. Rosie still seemed to question it by the time Will had finished. “Ask me anything that only Jim knew. He is here right now. I can ask him and he can tell me and I will confirm it with you.”
“Where did I go yesterday after Jim went to work?” Rosie didn’t ask it in the direction of Will, but more into the air around her.
Jim was sitting in the rocking chair next to Rosie, “The doctor, she went to the doctor because she is pregnant.”
Will felt his heart break hearing that. Rosie could tell that Will knew something. “What honey? Do you know where I went?”
Will nodded his head, “Jim said you went to the doctor because you are pregnant.”
“Oh my god! He really is gone isn’t he? And he is here?” Rosie asked Will, but then turned to the air, “Babe, I just want you to know that I’m sorry and I love you more than anything in the world!” Tears poured out of her gorgeous eyes. It looked the Niagara Falls were on fire.
“I’m sorry Rosie.” Will said very nicely.
She looked at him for a moment. Then, “Thank you Will.”
Will looked at Jim and Jim nodded his head slightly. They talked in the car and Will knew exactly what to say. “Jim says that he is sorry, he loves you more than anybody could possibly know and he wants you to take care of your baby and live a long healthy life.”
Will got up and walked to the door. Rosie was sitting there, looking so helpless, but he already did all he could. Jim looked at him and said, “Thanks sonny, for everything. You can have my 1980 Pontiac Firebird if you promise to take good care of her.” Jim smiled, held Rosie’s face in his hand, kissed her forehead and then disappeared.  
Will walked out the door and climbed into the driver’s seat. He drove all of the way home with the radio up and the windows down. He pulled into his driveway to see his mom and Jessie and Brian on the porch. “Where have you been?!” Demanded Will’s mother.
“I was doing good Mom. I was helping a man.” Will replied.
“What do you say we go get some Pizza?” Will’s mom asked, “We can take your knew car. I’ll drive.” Jessie, Brian and Will’s mom jumped in the car.
 Will thought to himself, “Well, I sure am glad Jess and Brian didn’t tell my mom I was talking to the air.” Will climbed into the back seat and fell asleep laying on Jessie and Brian.  When he woke up, he was in a white room, with padded walls. Nothing but light and…. A slice of pepperoni pizza on a napkin in the corner.

Friday, January 8, 2016


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