Friday, April 1, 2016

Insult Poem

You are as old as dirt
When I see you my eyes hurt
You reek like rotten fruit
You’re as useful as a torn parachute

Your hair is a rat’s nest
You fail nearly every test
You cry like a baby

And you can’t handle “maybe”


  1. Dear Wiswell

    You know how to rhyme
    poem is fine but I can’t read
    Fix your last line please

  2. I really enjoyed your post.
    It really is something to boast.
    The torn parachute was a good idea.
    At least they didn't use a tortilla.

    The rats nest picture is nasty
    But still not as bad as grass tea.
    You should have elongated the last stanza.
    Still, your poem was a talent extravaganza!

  3. Wizzy,
    Your words made me laugh
    But I didn’t get “maybe”
    I liked your pictures

  4. Your poem was interesting
    In had me giggling
    Your last line had me confused
    No doubt about it I was amused
    One way to improve is your last line
    Then your poem will be fine
