Friday, April 1, 2016

Insult Poem

You are as old as dirt
When I see you my eyes hurt
You reek like rotten fruit
You’re as useful as a torn parachute

Your hair is a rat’s nest
You fail nearly every test
You cry like a baby

And you can’t handle “maybe”

Sonnet- Spring Break at Arches National Park

It was super cold in the morning time
Sun on my face hot as a fire
Sage everywhere I look upon the climb
We had so much fun, I’m not a liar
We traveled to tons of National Parks
I saw so many people in their Jeeps
We swam in a pool without any sharks
I woke up Easter morning to find Peeps
We drove for hours and hours on end
I passed out when we go into the car
On our way home, we started to ascend
It seemed Moab, Utah was not that far
This year, Spring Break was the absolute best
I have a great family, I’m so blessed